Vox Institute

We improve performance in speech communication

Improve Your Performance!

Areas of Expertise

Improving oral communication skills, identifying strengths and weaknesses and suggesting courses of action.
Intelligent handling of one's emotions, optimizing emotional climate and motivation in organizations by using proven strategies related to social and emotional intelligence.
Remediation of stuttering, disfluent speech, hearing impairment.

Assessment Includes

Voice Profile – Assessment of the speaker’s voice (acoustic analysis).
A Full Audio-Visual Audit – scientific assessment of vocal and visual communication with comprehensive training plan. It includes acoustic voice analysis and visual analysis of the speaker’s non-verbal behavior.
Careful consideration of your current speech communication needs at your workplace (career aspirations, areas of concern).

After Professional Assessment You Will

  • Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses in speech communication.
  • Receive recommendation about the proper course to help you improve your performance.
  • Learn to use the speaking style that enhances credibility and persuasiveness.
  • Master the strategic use of nonverbal behaviour (facial expressions, gestures, posture, gaze).
  • Structure the content of presentations in a way that raises interest and maintains attention.
Improve Your Performance!
Request Voice Assessment

Upcoming Workshops
Upcoming Workshop
June 14th-15 | September 6th-7th
Two-day course
Château, France, Haute Savoie

The Power of Voice and Nonverbal Behaviour in Speech Communication

Upcoming Workshop
25-26 February 2025
Two-day course
Vox Institute, Geneva

The Power of Voice – Making an Impact through Speech communication (Copy)

Upcoming Workshop
01-02 April 2025
Two-day course
Vox Institute, Geneva

The Power of Voice – Making an Impact through Speech communication

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Our Offer Includes:

Speech Communication Assessment (acoustic and visual analysis)
Individual Coaching in Speech Communication (vocal and non-verbal aspects)
Group Workshops

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Meet Our Founder

Branka Zei Pollermann
Founder and Director
Branka Zei Pollermann PhD (founder and director) teaches speech communication, leadership and social/emotional intelligence and in Switzerland, France and the UK. She is author of numerous publications. Her academic credentials include: PhD in psychology (University of Geneva), three MAs (general linguistics, psychology, English and Italian languages and literature) and postgraduate studies in speech pathology, phonetics, philosophy and sociology. She held part-time teaching and research positions at: Geneva University – Faculty of psychology (9 yrs.), Geneva University Hospitals (17 yrs.), CERN (7 yrs.), and Zagreb University - Phonetics Institute (7 yrs.).

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